Thursday, April 7, 2011


My name is Jacob Kordus. The only the reason why I'm writing these blogs is because it is my school assignment. We have to write eight blogs including this one and with each blog we have certain things we have to write about. After blog eight I will most likely continue to blog about things that I have found interesting. I am going to try to give the readers of my blogs a general view of how I write. I've never blogged before and I really don't see the importance of it really. The only thing that I can think of is that you can find people around the world who may or may not read this and share the same views as you. I think that blogging can help people get all there feelings out and it gives other people the chance to respond and make it a fun or challenging thing for that person. Now in no way do I look even remotely close to the picture I have up. The picture is of Jensen Ackles, a famous actor who is most famous from his T.V. show supernatural. I like the actor a lot because the show is about the insane paranormal and it goes to the extreme. I like anything and everything about the paranormal. The paranormal has been a major part of my life for four years now. Jensen Ackles plays the part of Dean Winchester very well in this show. I really look up to him in the show just because the show is about everything that I believe in. Now I know that he's probably a completely different person in real life but I still look up to him even so. The more I blog the more information people will have about me I think and I really don't like that idea. People have always said my life is interesting to them but I really don't think so. A lot of people here at school think that all I'm about is hacking computers and ghost hunting when theres a lot more about me and that I can do that people never got the chance to see in me and most likely never will. I think that there is a lot about me that people will never know because when people look at me they just see someone who can help them with there technology problems or someone who can get rid of some ghosts from a house. I would like for these blogs to somehow open up everything else about me and just throw it out there for the rest of the world to see. I think that once people find out everything else I'm about it will be a very interesting life for me because I think that people will start to look at me differently. One of the things about me that I think people like is that I'm very truthful. I tell people how it is. Sometimes this isn't the best thing for me to do but I can't always help it considering that's just who I am. I also like to help people with there problems. If someone is having troubles with someone at school or something at home most of the time people come over to me now asking for my help and I do the best I can to help them out. I can't help everyone who asks it somethings are just out of my capabilities but I still do try. So tell me what you think=)


  1. I can't see what else you're going to let us know about you in your writing. The introduction was rather interesting so I have high hopes for the rest of your pieces. :)

  2. I just want to point out that you can make money by blogging. Just sayin'...

  3. You have an outside reader (meaning someone not in AC) - coolness!

    I like that you see this assignment as an opportunity to share a little more about yourself. Maybe there's a way we can format (or reformat) your writing tasks to allow you to accomplish this. Let me know if you want to talk about some options.

    I'm glad you're already thinking about continuing to blog after the project is complete. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

  4. lol the outside reader is my father... I also like that I will be able to share more of myself I think it will help with a lot in my life. I think that would be a good idea. I also think that continuing this blog after the assignment is a good idea considering it will still serve the purpose.
