Thursday, April 14, 2011

Task by a classmate

Alright this is my second blog post and so far so good. For this assignment I will be writing about a topic that one on my classmates have given me. The topic I will be discussing is fighting, but all the forms of fighting. Starting off with fist fights. When people talk about fighting people either think of fist fights or yelling fights. For fist fights I have a completely different view than most people, I think that there perfectly okay if your fighting for the right reason. Now back when I was in elementary school me and my friends got into a lot of fist fights just because we were protecting one of our friends. I think that fighting to protect someone is perfectly acceptable, but i also think that if two people just want to fight each other just to do it or to see who's stronger than I say why not? I think that its a good experience even if you happen to lose. Now when people are fighting each person has a style or a way that they fight, and each one usually has a flaw or they leave some type of opening to be hit. If you can figure out your opponents fighting style you should be able to find the opening and win the fight. Now there are also such things as mental fights. That is where two people try to figure out whose smarter than who usually, but on occasion it can mean other things. Lets say for the sake of argument that if people were able to enter other peoples head like during there dreams like we've all seen in the movies but lets just say someone could do this than a mental fight would be you protecting or fighting something in the dream world which I would like to consider the ultimate mental fight. Most of the time people have personal fights. That means that two people who hate each other equally or have a personal problem with that person will fight either on a regular basis's or fight more than usual. Now people have pointless fights all the time. I don't want to point out girl fights but since I have to finish this by the end of class I see no point in trying to think of some other example. Most of the time girls fight over the stupidest things. Like Sally said "what about me?!"' and the next thing Sally knows is shes getting thrown into a wall or something. Theirs no point in fighting unless you have the facts first, and a reason to fight. Who cares what other people say about you theirs no reason to go fight someone over it. For the people who have heard of fight or flight will know what survival fights are all about. That's where you brain or your body feels like your going to die and it'll either make you run away with an unbelievable amount of energy or it'll make you fight with the same energy. I don't really know what everyone believes but the next type of fight I'm going to talk about is dream fights. I think that these are the best kind. Dream fights are where you fight something in your dreams basically but your brain will think that the fight is real unless you know while your dreaming that it's just a dream. You could wake up with the marks you got in your dream due to the fact that your brain thought it was real. Another form of dream fighting is when people use dream share to fight. Dream share is when two people plan out their dream exactly the same and both meet up in the same dream. Once in the dream those people fight to get better once there awake. This also increases there mental power as well. The real thing that this is about is a purpose. If you don't have a purpose for doing any of this than you shouldn't do or try any of this because with out a purpose it is pointless. So now that I'm done get back to me and tell me what you think. =)


  1. Very interesting. I like the viewpoint you put on this. If it had been anyone else I don't thinked they would have expressedj everything you did. It's also kind of nice to know your viewpoint on fighting and what it is that you believe in.

  2. Why thank you, I'm glad that someone thinks my viewpoint is nice lol

  3. Well, since I know how the mind works, as well as hypnosis, and the power of the mind as WELL as the paranormal (like - masters degree type of knowledge in said fields) I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that you can not have a fight in a dream and have physical manifestations of said fight, appear. For a manifestation such as you write about, you would need to be conscious, and then harbor such a strong conviction, one only gained over years of strict discipline, should you want to manifest something like that. Like Stigmata.
    Just sayin'...

  4. But with the strict discipline that you speak of it is still possible to fight in the dream world...
