Thursday, May 26, 2011

"The End"

Alright so this is the end of the class assignment for these blogs, and it doesn't really seem like they did any good. I do truly feel this way. I mean think about it, they didn't help anyone with anything. They served no purpose what so ever. In my introduction I stated that I wanted people to get to know me more in these blogs. Obviously that didn't happen. When it comes to opening up I have a hard time doing it. I think that if people knew me for who I really am I would just end up losing them in a few years as friends. I tend to just lose friends left and right due to them changing. So the ones I trusted with information about me have that and can easily use it against me. Now not all people are like that but I have trust issues. Through out my blogs I have unintentionally not wrote anything about myself that people didn't know. There is something I would love to tell people, but from past experiences the most common result is doubt and most of the time I get made fun of. Now being 16 I could care less if someone makes fun of me, but I would prefer not to have it done. Now since I didn't put anything in my blogs that people didn't know I feel like I owe the non-readers of this blog something right?! Okay so my memory was very good when I was little and still is. It's gotten worse as time goes on, but this is irrelevant. When I was two years old all I can remember is a lot of yelling and a blinding white flash of light. Once things started to come back into focus and I could see again I was in a different place at a different time and I was now four years old. I had no memory of what happened between the age of two to four. At that point I was scared and that night somebody tried to break into the apartment we were living in. All I can remember is looking at the broken glass and then the blinding white flash of light happened again. Next thing I knew I was five and in a new place again. Ever since then it has never happened again. Now what I'm about to say next some people won't believe but quite frankly I don't care. Honestly if you don't believe in paranormal things you should stop here... Okay now once I came into focus when I was five I started to see something that didn't exist. Some people would call him an imaginary friend, but he was nothing like that. He was my personal Freddy Kruger. I would have nightmares of this evil clown who beat me up in my dreams and I would wake up with the deep bruises where I had been hit. Then when awake he was still around. If I were to get hit by him while I was awake you could see the bruise appear right there in front of your eyes. The worst part about it is when you reach the point where you can no longer take it and you strike back all you hit is air. My mother never believed me and thought I was just making it up. Even when she saw the bruises she brushed it off. Most people when they can't explain something decide that it's not real or not happening. This continued until I was seven years old when in my nightmare that fateful night the clown was running straight at me with a big kitchen knife in hand. I didn't run, I didn't scream. I just stood there waiting. I had given up on life. In my mind I thought if this is going to happen every day and I can't do anything about it I might as well just give up. Before the clown got to me a white figure jumped in front of me. Something that was definitely not human looking. This thing had a sword in it's hand and cut the clown up into my sign. If you draw an X and add a + you'll get my sign. People say ha ha it's a snowflake, but it's not. Ever since then I never saw the clown again. Now every time I write my name I put my sign next to it. I change it up every now and then but the main thing stays the same. Now you can choose not to believe me and go on with your day that would be fine, but for the other 1% of you that do believe me I thank you. Also if there is ever a problem that needs fixing weather it be personal or not let me know and I'll do all that I can. See ya=)

Class Piece

The piece I'm about to write is one that my class had to fill in the blanks. I am as _ as _. Mine starts off I am as mad as hell. Life never goes as expected. People say that life is what you make it, I say they're wrong. People tell themselves that everything is going to be okay and nothing bad is going to happen to me. I think that by thinking these thoughts people set themselves up for devastation. It seems to me that all the people who are good end up dieing. So again I do not believe life is what you make it. So for all the people out there who feel the same way where do we turn? Some people say turn to the bible and others say take some drugs. Drugs are the things that make you relax so I could see that, but I would never do that. Now in the bible heaven is described as a place where you have everything you've ever wanted, therefore being dead is better. There is a point in peoples lives when they are the happiest they'll ever be. Once they hit that point in life everything goes downhill from there. When this happens people try as hard as they can to get back to this moment of happiness. I believe this is why some people are mad some days and don't know why. They've already hit there high and now they have no where to go but down. My high point was back in elementary school where i fought people everyday and taught myself how to hack. I kept up my happiness high all the way through the ninth grade. After that everything changed. Now the only thing that gets me semi close to my old high is when I write my book. It reminds me of what happiness is an how it feels to be on top of the world. Now I know we're not suppose to write about "bad" things like fighting and hacking, but I don't care anymore. Which yes I know, is also bad. We can't help who we are and what we like. I suppose life is just a game. Lets say to when the game right away you need to roll a pair of dice and get a six and four, but you end up rolling a three and five. Well then you just have to work with what you got. I honestly don't expect good replies on this one so fire away.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Evoke a response

Now I think that this will be one of my better writing pieces just because the things that I usually say, that I actually know a lot about, get a response from a lot of different people. The way I think I'll get a response out of the few people who actually read this is writing a little about myself. Okay to start off I love to plan. Planning things has always been some type of specialty of mine. My method for planning usually goes like this, if plan a fails plan b is already in motion if plan b starts to fall then c is there to back it up if c fails as well then I have d through z with an extra one on the end to back me up. Now I can honestly say that I've never needed more than plan a through c. The plans that I come up with can most of the time never be stopped. The people that I've worked with in the past sometimes have no idea why I tell them to do certain things until there actually done. My plans are so crazy and so elaborate that there's no way to figure them out because the minute you think that you've messed up my plans you find out that I've gotten to something better. Now my plans don't always go as planned and I do have to improvise. The reason why I plan things for "bad" acts against the world or the school or whatever is just because of the simple fact that it's fun. Not only is it fun but it also depending of the situation is the adventure. The adventure is the thing that everyone seeks in life. We all try to do something in our life that other people will remember us for. This for most people is where the adventure comes into play. The adventure makes our life worth living in my opinion. Honestly can anybody really say they have fun doing the legal fun acts all the time and doing nothing but follow the rules? For the people that can honestly stand up and say yes I always follow the rules and never once have I done anything illegal then either your a liar or a really nice person. Even so a person like this can not be real just for the fact that to properly know which is more fun following all the rules or breaking them all the person would've had to do both. If the person did do both and then says that following the rules are better, then again the person is a liar because that interferes with what the person said before which was I've never done anything but follow the rules. Now I think that this piece that I wrote should get some interesting feedback to say the least just because my views are so unique, but the only way to get a responce is if somebody reads this. Lets see if that actually happens.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Response to an article

For this assignment I had to read an article from the Writer Magazine web site and respond to it. I read an article that talked about how to sell your work if your writing a book. I read this because I myself am writing a book. It was a short little article that just said to basically work on your book all the time when you have the chance and to sell it to someone all you have to do is to get them interested and then wait them out completely. What the person meant by this is when a person is going to publish your book you have to send them bits and pieces of your work so they can read it. So if the person who is publishing your book gets hooked into it then you can hold out on sending the next copy. This plan only backfires if you wait too long and the publisher forgets what he/she read before hand or becoming uninterested in reading the book any more. Now my book started off as a assignment that I got last year in English class. The assignment was to write a essay about whatever we wanted. My teacher didn't care if it was a fake or real story so I decided to put both in. I came up with 10 pages for my story when we only needed five. Once it was over and graded I just started writing more on to it little by little until I decided that I wanted to make it into a book. Now that it's a year later I'm on page 61 as of last night. You would think I would be further because it's been a year since I started, but I never really have time to work on it. I would like my book to be between 250 to 300 pages, but if I can't get it that far I think I'll still get it published. Between this month and the next I plan to finish the book and get it published. My hope is to give it one to two years to get more popular and then make a movie off of it. This is one of those books that is a lot better once put on the big screen. My plan is to direct the movie if it did become big and I would like to put all the people who are in my story in the movie. You see the people in my story are based on people in real life, so I think it would be super cool if the people who I wrote about could play themselves. The reason I decided to continue writing my book was because I think it will give me closure for my ended friendship of 11 years. Now I do understand that not every book that is out there is a movie and I have little chance of getting everything that I want, but I do believe that if there is even the slightest chance of me getting what I want then I should have hope.