Thursday, May 26, 2011

Class Piece

The piece I'm about to write is one that my class had to fill in the blanks. I am as _ as _. Mine starts off I am as mad as hell. Life never goes as expected. People say that life is what you make it, I say they're wrong. People tell themselves that everything is going to be okay and nothing bad is going to happen to me. I think that by thinking these thoughts people set themselves up for devastation. It seems to me that all the people who are good end up dieing. So again I do not believe life is what you make it. So for all the people out there who feel the same way where do we turn? Some people say turn to the bible and others say take some drugs. Drugs are the things that make you relax so I could see that, but I would never do that. Now in the bible heaven is described as a place where you have everything you've ever wanted, therefore being dead is better. There is a point in peoples lives when they are the happiest they'll ever be. Once they hit that point in life everything goes downhill from there. When this happens people try as hard as they can to get back to this moment of happiness. I believe this is why some people are mad some days and don't know why. They've already hit there high and now they have no where to go but down. My high point was back in elementary school where i fought people everyday and taught myself how to hack. I kept up my happiness high all the way through the ninth grade. After that everything changed. Now the only thing that gets me semi close to my old high is when I write my book. It reminds me of what happiness is an how it feels to be on top of the world. Now I know we're not suppose to write about "bad" things like fighting and hacking, but I don't care anymore. Which yes I know, is also bad. We can't help who we are and what we like. I suppose life is just a game. Lets say to when the game right away you need to roll a pair of dice and get a six and four, but you end up rolling a three and five. Well then you just have to work with what you got. I honestly don't expect good replies on this one so fire away.

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